27/12/2021: in-game Lottery and new Harvested Festival
1. In-game Lottery (like scratch Lotto) :
- There are a total of 3 types of tickets:
Cheep , Oink and Mooo with each cost 100, 500, 1000 Wai respectively.
This update only enables Cheep and Oink. Mooo is NOT available yet.
- Each week, each player can buy up to 70 tickets of each type (you could own 140 tickets in total)
- In each type of ticket, there are 4 fixed number of ticket milestones; when a player purchases a certain number of tickets (10,30,50 and 70 tickets), they will receive a fixed reward as shown in the pictures below:
2. New Harvest Festival (in shinier form)
The event will take place every week, and there are 3 phases:
+ Registration phase: Monday and Tuesday
Users will spend some $WAI to participate in(entry levels 100, 500, 1000) in three categories: cabbage, apple, fish, beef (total of 12 pools).
Players could join 12 pools at the same time
40% of the registration fees will be burnt, 60% will be used as prizes for the top 10 players.
+ Execution phase: From Wednesday to Friday
We will count items harvested during this period to see if they have reached the ranking results (harvest during this time is OK). The score will be logged when harvested; no need to keep it in your inventory.
How to calculate points: First, we see the Weight, then Stars; if these two attributes are equal, we will give the last harvested item the priority. Rankings will be updated automatically and continuously.
+ Results: Saturday
Concluding and summarizing the results
We shall distribute the rewards to player’s mailbox on Sunday.