Frequently Asked Questions After IDO

Wanaka Farm
2 min readSep 2, 2021


1. Is the smart contract Audited?

Yes, our smart contract was audited completely and issued by Certik as mentioned in our previous Announcement.

2. Are liquidity tokens locked?

Liquidity was locked right after our listing on PCS.

3. Can we stake $WANA? If yes, when can it be?

Yes, we are preparing for $WANA staking as soon as possible, and probably in few days.

4. How many $WANA do we need to play the game? How many $WANA do we need for 1 land?

You need around $200 USD in $WANA token to start the game. The price per land has not been decided yet. That will be announced before the landsale.

5. When will be the date of landsale?

Land sales are expected to take place at the second half of September.

6. What are the conditions to be eligible to participate in the land sale?

We will have a Whitelist round and also a mainsale fcfs for everybody. All will be announced.

7. When will we have the Beta Test? Who can participate in it?

The Beta Test will be released at the second half of September. We will select a group of players to test the Beta version by completing our form.

8. When will the game launch?

Game is expected to be released by the end of September if the test is successfully approved.

9. How many land per wallet will be allowed?

At the land sale, number of land purchased per wallet will be limited (TBA). But you can own many as you want from secondary market.

Hope you guys enjoy staying with us for a long haul. Cheers!



Wanaka Farm is an unique NFT P2E blockchain based game where people can own their virtual lands and other NFT items.