Updates about Land Sale methods

Wanaka Farm
2 min readSep 23, 2021

Greetings, Wanaka farmers!!!

In the past few days, we’ve receiving concerns from Community about our Land sale, our intention is to have as many people own 1 piece of land as possible, we’ve been trying a few ways to protect our land sale against bots but wouldn’t 100% sure to solve all the problems.
So, after listening to all comments from the community, Wanaka team decided to make an urgent announcement about some changes in the method of land sale which is on 26th Sept.

Whitelist 1: The number of winners in our Staking whitelist will be increased to 9,000.

Whitelist 2: The mainsale will be switched to Google form and 5,500 winners randomly chosen. Everyone can participate in this round and fill the form.

Fill in the form: HERE

The unclaimed lands then will be sold as FCFS.


  • Whitelist 1 for Stakers will be announced on 25th Sept.
  • Google Form will be closed on 25th Sept and winners will be announced few hours before the Land sale on 26th Sept.
  • Our 2nd snapshot is going to take place tomorrow, 24th Sept.
  • In preparation for the land sale on 26th Sept. We will transfer to an upgraded ,better server infrastructure, Wanaka Farm’s homepage and staking page will be temporarily closed from 08:00 AM -10:00 AM UTC-24th Sept .

Thanks for your understanding!

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Wanaka Farm

www.wanakafarm.com is an unique NFT P2E blockchain based game where people can own their virtual lands and other NFT items.