$WANA Staking pool V2 — Fixed APR, up to 25%!

Wanaka Farm
4 min readJul 19, 2022


Dear beloved WANAKA Farmers,

We are super happy and humble to open a new Staking Pool investment offer to you all, who really believe in the WANAKA Farm project prospect. Please welcome the New Staking pool (v2)!

The main point of new staking pool is to elaborate APR% into multi levels, depending on time and amount of staking. The great news is that: APR is Fixed, no matter how many people come after you! isn’t that cool!?!

Honestly, we want you the investors to rest assure about your financial plan and experience the nice gameplay in WANAKA Farm, at the same time!. Therefore, the policy of new staking pool is not only about APR; but also high commitment wallets will all stand the chance to win valuable in-game rewards.

Details as below graphic & explanation:

Staking APR & Reward Scheme details:

Staking APR & Rewards scheme details

(*) The snapshot will be taken at the end of every month to do lucky draw, from July until December, 2022
(**) The snapshot for lucky draw will be taken at December 31st, 2022
(***) Granted to the Wallet at the end of staking contract


There are too many concerns and rumors about how we understand the new staking, like APR% declining, the reward counting rules, … So all of the collected questions would be answered in our new forum Reddit (Official from WANAKA Farm team)

Subreddit community (Official from WANAKA Farm team)

Important Notice:

New Staking Pool APR is fixed in your whole staking contract period, but will slowly decline for newcomers with the formular:

Current APR% = Last month APR%* 0.95

Example: APR RANK3/90DAYS July 2022 could be 20%,
so August 2022, it would be 20% * 0.95 = 19%,
and September 2022, it would be 19% * 0.95 = 18.05%

Notice about the ‘fixed‘ and ‘declining‘ APR: once you decide to Stake, the current APR at that time would be applied to your contract and stay ‘fixed’ in your whole staking period. So, the sooner to Stake, the better reward!

For Old staking pool, if your unstaking time has not come by July 20th, 2022, please read this:

  • The website will stop counting the extra WANA EARNED for active staking contracts after 7/19/2022 23:04:02 UTC (we will call it July20, for short)
  • However, the must-have interest for those contracts will still accumulate, at the APR 90 Days: 12.31% and 180 Days: 15.61%, but it doesn’t include the interest accrued by/until July20.
  • You must harvest the interests accrued by/until July20 before July20. After that, you can wait the vesting normally for 14 days to claim it out safely. That interest would expired and unclaimable if you don’t harvest before the above mentioned time.
  • Save the date of smart contract unlocking time, you will be able to claim the due amount, including the principle & interest counting from July20 to your contract due date, in whole, safely. The claiming section will be available on the staking pool website at the due date.

For already-unlocked-contracts by the July20, please read this:

  • The withdrawable $WANA in old staking pool (v1) will not accrue any interest after Jul20.
  • It’s fine if you just leave the principal $WANA in the pool, you can unstake it any time.
  • For the interests accrued by/until July20, it would be expired and unclaimable if you don’t harvest before that due date.


  • The Landboxes rewards for pool 180 DAYS/RANK II, III, IV and 90 DAYS/RANK III is Forest Land.
  • Typical concerns about Staking benefit & Whitelisted land sales will be announced later.

>> Access the Staking pool now

Be wise and draw yourself all a suitable plan with our new staking pool




Wanaka Farm
Wanaka Farm

Written by Wanaka Farm

www.wanakafarm.com is an unique NFT P2E blockchain based game where people can own their virtual lands and other NFT items.

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